In Slovakia, property relations between spouses are governed by strict legal regulations. Unlike in some jurisdictions, Slovak law does not recognize prenuptial agreements, and separating assets between spouses can only be achieved under stringent legal conditions. Additionally, creditors can claim against shared property, creating significant stress, especially if you’re involved in high-profile business ventures. Understanding and managing marital property is essential for protecting your financial interests and ensuring a fair distribution of assets. Our dedicated lawyers work closely with you to develop innovative solutions safeguarding your interests and promoting financial harmony.
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We are a trusted law firm with clients worldwide and expertise in all essential business law areas. Our specialty is litigating challenging disputes, and we have a skilled legal team dedicated to advocating for our clients. We’re committed to maintaining high standards of professionalism and achieving successful outcomes.
Eurovea, Pribinova 28
811 09 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
Office: +421 2 3200 6660
Mobile: +421 905 866 438